Pre-Primary Academics

Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.

Through play, children can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally and gain the self confidence required to engage in new experiences and environment. We at ISM believe that each child is unique with a unique learning style. It can be visual, aural or kinesthetic. The staff in Pre Primary section strives to cater to these by preparing an appropriate curriculum and altering the methodology according to each child’s needs.

An array of activities is formulated to develop and enhance the child’s Gross motor and Fine motor skills. Visual motor integration skills, indicative of later academic skills are given due importance in our curriculum. Children are taught language, maths, Evs and arts through a spiral curriculum and integrated and interdisciplinary approach. Keeping in line with the needs of our students, the curriculum is updated periodically.


Indian School Muscat, PB: 2470, P.C. 112 ,Sultanate of Oman

Tel: 00968 24702567, 00968 24711117 (Jibroo Campus)
