Primary Academics

"Helping Children get off to a Good Start" Every child has in him something divine, something his own , a chance of perfection and strength in however small a sphere . The task is to find it , develop it and use it. The chief aim of education should be to help the growing soul draw out that in itself which is best and makes it perfect for a noble use. We believe that education is all about being excited about something , seeing passion and enthusiasm and a happiness in the minds of the students. We have a responsibility to ensure that every student has an opportunity to get the best an educational institution has to offer.

The school at the Primary Section aims to

  • build learners with a positive attitude
  • create life-long learners who enjoy learning
  • prepare confident individuals with strong physical and emotional health

The curriculum is developed on the following principles

  • Every learner can learn
  • The curriculum is focused on maximizing opportunities to learn
  • Curriculum is learner and learning centric
  • Holistic approach to education

Academic Subjects
The learning areas would include

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Mathematics
  • EVS (STD I and II)
  • Science (STD III and STD IV)
  • Social Studies (STD III and STD IV)
  • Computer Education
  • Performing Arts
  • Physical Education
  • Life Skills (during Club Activities for STD IV)

Objectives of Language Learning
Through this curriculum, the students will

  • acquire the skills of listening, speaking ,reading and writing in an integrated manner
  • develop a basic competence in the use of English and Hindi Language

Objectives of Environmental Education/ Science Learning
Through this curriculum, the students will be provided opportunities to

  • nurture the curiosity and creativity of the child
  • be aware of environmental issues
  • practical activities to acquire basic cognitive and psychomotor skills through classification, observation and inference
  • explore the magic of science

Objectives of Social Science
The student will

  • take active, responsible and informed roles as learners.
  • know about the means to conserve natural resources identify features on a map
  • appreciate cultural and historical aspects
  • to learn about the geographical aspects of ones own country

Objectives of learning Mathematics
The student will

  • read and write numbers using place value
  • use the vocabulary related to basic operations and symbols to describe and record sentences
  • use specific operations to solve problems
  • estimate, measure , weigh and compare objects by choosing and using suitable standard units and measuring instruments , hence appreciating units in our daily life

Objectives of learning Physical Education
It helps to develop

  • coordination, flexibility, agility, strength and fine motor skills
  • interpersonal skills
  • endurance, speed and strength
  • team spirit by adapting to a group

Objectives of learning Performing Arts
It helps to

  • develop an interest for singing , dancing , movement and coordination
  • improve coordination , flexibility , agility , strength and fine motor skills

Academic Evaluation for STD I and STD II
The pattern of testing for STD I and STD II would be assessment based on participation and performance in class activities and worksheets.

Academic evaluation for STD III and STD IV
There would be 3 formal tests in a term for STD III and IV

For Term I

  • Unit Test 1
  • First Mid - Term Examination
  • Terminal Examination

For Term II

  • Unit Test II
  • Second Mid Term Examination
  • Final Examination


Indian School Muscat, PB: 2470, P.C. 112 ,Sultanate of Oman

Tel: 00968 24702567, 00968 24711117 (Jibroo Campus)
